Environmentally friendly, streak free window cleaner
Finally! A truly environmentally friendly window cleaner, that is as good if not better than the best window cleaner you have ever used!
The Responsibly Green Window Cleaner is a high quality spray-on-wipe-off, hard surface cleaner which is custom engineered for cleaning windows, mirrors, and other smooth surfaces. It quickly emulsifies oil residues, soil deposits and other organic stains, leaving a clean, non-streak finish. Formulated using polymeric detergents to provide total non-smear results.
Ideally suited for the cleaning of windows, glass facades, marble and granite, on both domestic and commercial buildings.
Use as Spray ‘n Wipe for melamine, glass, decorative stone and stainless steel working tops and equipment in kitchens, restaurants, hotels etc.
Colour: Clear
pH: 10
Fragrance: Airfreshener H
Dilution: Ready to use
Safety profile: Non-hazardous
Pack sizes: 750ml & 5Lt
Colour: Clear
pH: 10
Fragrance: Subtle
Dilution: Ready to use
Safety profile: Non-hazardous
Pack sizes: 5Lt & applicator bottle
Read and understand the Material Safely Data Sheet (MSDS) before use
Ready to use.